Since the beginning creatures, plants & spirits have wandered & spread over the Earth. We wander out of curiosity & we roam when conditions in our homeland are unfavorable. Such was the case with a tonttu (elf) named Sanni. A Mad King had taken over her homeland in the West, and the land was being ravaged by an ancient legendary monster who is always hungry and never satisfied. Sanni’s spirit had grown weak with despair. And in the darkest night of winter she set out to follow a silent whispering in her heart, a song calling her to The North. And so she entered softly on tiny tonttu feet the place known as Finlandia. Her tonttu ears perked up as she sensed an energy of The North as a place of deep mystery, of quiet & stillness. Sanni listened to the snow flakes fall tenderly to the Spruce tips. This cold frozen earth, a cocoon for the souls transformation… ..
.. *The legendary monster is known as Windigo by the indigenous Anishinaabe & is described by Robin Wall Kimmerer in her book Braiding Sweetgrass. ..