Backyard Herbal Vinegar.. Plants and ‘weeds’ that grow around your home are often the friends you need most. One way I love to bring these plants inside is by infusing them in apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is one of the best ways to absorb minerals in plants, better than alcohol tinctures. According to Herbalist Henriette Kress, just 1-3 tsp of mineral-rich herbal vinegar will meet your mineral requirements for the day. Plus you taste the flavors of the local plants that grow around you!
Different plants produce different colors & flavors, and every batch is unique & special in its own way. I add herb infused vinegars to cooked vegetables because vinegar helps to digest food better, especially if you have low stomach acid or sluggish digestion. And I also mix them with oil for salads. So your food tastes better, is easier to digest, and you are getting that days mineral requirements met by the local plants instead of buying vitamin pills. Herbs that are especially high in minerals include nettles, raspberry leaf, horsetail & ladys mantle. The herbs in this particular batch featured here in this photo include: violet leaf & flower, strawberry leaf & flower, maple leaf & flower, black currant leaf & flower, dandelion leaf & flower, birch leaf, wood sorrel, yarrow, lemmikki flower, ground ivy, nettles.
Directions: Firstly, always make 100% certain of proper plant identification & only pick plants that grow in a clean area with no chemicals sprayed. Rinse any dirt off the herbs, pat them dry with a clean paper towel, and let them wilt for several hours to let some of their water content evaporate. Then chop the herbs to release their scent & flavor. Loosely fill your clean jar with the herbs. Do not over-stuff or cram the jar with herbs because you don’t want the vinegar to become too dilute from the water content of fresh herbs. Fill the jar with apple cider vinegar. Tightly cap the jar, label it with the date and names of herbs. The lid of the jar should be glass or plastic because vinegar will corrode a metal lid. Put in the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks. Shake daily. Then strain into a clean bottle with a tight lid. Label it. Keep refrigerated and use within 6 months. Enjoy! ..