Drip, drip, drip… icicles slowly melt & drip, just like Sanni’s nose…drip… Spring is sloooow to arrive in Finlandia and winters chill has been a constant presence in the forest. Perhaps it was the penetrating cold, perhaps it was because Sanni had not spent enough time by the fire, or perhaps it was all the snowcones she had eaten lately, but her nose was dripping like an icicle! Clear thin mucous, a sign that the cold had managed to penetrate.
So Sanni made her way back to Noita (witch) who sat her by the fire and gave her a big mug of Drippy Nose Care Tea.
Warming & drying herbs like Wild Thyme, Ground Ivy, Goldenrod, Hyssop, Anise, Nettles with a touch of honey to moisten & balance the tea. Yuuummmm… deliciously warming. Sanni could feel her nose dripping less & less as she drank the tea. Noita continued to nurse Sanni with broth, lämmintä mustaherukkamehua (warm black currant juice) and other teas too. But she always looked forward to that savory sweet taste of Drippy Nose Care Tea with honey. ..