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Sanni Meets Korona

As Sanni entered a village she saw the frightened faces of humans scurrying into their homes for shelter. The paths were quiet, empty of people. Sanni overheard the humans speaking of a horrible frightening Being who roamed the world hunting & killing humans, Oh My! ..
Suddenly Sanni heard the loud flapping of wings behind her. She spun around and landing before her was a Great Winged Being covered in black armored scales. “Who are you?” asked Sanni trembling & wide-eyed. The Being spoke “I am Korona. I was born out of the despicable conditions of an overcrowded animal slaughter market where creatures are poached from their homes in nature and packed into filthy cages for profit. My mother was a frightened bat, sick with fear & stress from the filthy packed conditions of the meat market. As she died, her frightened spirit was in such shock that it flew into a pangolin who was also sickened with stress & fear from the filthy overcrowded meat market. Their sad frightened spirits coalesced to form me, Korona. Like a winged bat I fly with stealth & speed. Like a pangolin I am armored and difficult to kill. ..
And from the sad sick conditions which gave rise to me, I will cast my seeds of sadness & sickness & grief into lungs around the world. I am not evil, I am the embodied energy of stressed scared & sick creatures overcrowded in filthy conditions for human profit. I am the dirty underside that has been pushed out of sight out of mind. I am the reminder that all beings are interconnected breathing the same air. And yes I am Tragedy, because my seeds of sickness & death are cast on both the Good as well as the Disrespectful. I am Korona. ..
Gather your allies, gather your plants, medicines, ancestors, spirit allies. I am an embodiment of a sickness that hunts & haunts humanity. Lay me to rest… so that all creatures may live with dignity & respect.” ..